Questioning and Problem Posing Collage for 2nd Graders


Students will think about the questions they ask and have a questioning attitude with this “Questioning and Problem Posing” collage! Click Active Learning-Questioning & Problem Posing for your downloadable PDF of the activity.

Materials Needed:

  • Magazines

  • Scissors

  • Glue

  • Construction paper

  • Pencils


  • Bring in magazines that have a variety of images.

  • You may instruct students to bring magazines from home as well.

Steps to Success:

  1. Instruct students to make a collage that represents a strong memory by using images from the magazines.

  2. Remind students to ask themselves thoughtful questions to help them decide what images to look for (e.g., Where did it take place? Why did it happen? Why is it a strong memory? etc.).

  3. Assist students in cutting out their images and gluing them to construction paper as needed.

  4. Then, pair off students and have each of them trade collages with their partner.

  5. Instruct students to look at their partner’s collage and generate powerful questions about the pictures that would help them figure out what the memory is about. Have them write those questions down on the back of the collage.

  6. Invite pairs to the front of the class to share their collages and their questions.

  7. NOTE: These questions do not need to be answered at this time. The focus of the exercise is to get students to generate powerful questions.


Applying Past Knowledge: Making the Invisible, Visible


Storytelling with “Questioning and Problem Posing”