Emotion Mask Activity for Kindergarteners


Are you looking for fun and engaging ways to teach Listening with Understanding and Empathy in your classroom?  You’re in luck! The Habits of Mind Animations have provided a free sample of one of their active learning activities geared towards Kindergarteners. Click here for your free download of the Emotion mask Activity.

This activity will help your students learn more about reading and understanding emotions among their peers.  We recommend supplementing learning with The Habits of Mind Animations episode “Listening With Understanding and Empathy”.  Visit www.homanimations.com/ascd to learn more about all 16 Habits!

Materials Needed:

  • Paper Plates

  • Paint

  • Scissors

  • Elastic String

Steps to Success:

  1. Discuss how people usually look when they feel different emotions (e.g., someone who is happy smiles, someone who is sad frowns, etc.).

  2. Instruct students to paint a face onto a paper plate. Tell them that they must pick an emotion and paint an expression that goes with that emotion.

  3. After the paint has dried, assist students in cutting out holes for the eyes. They may cut holes for the mouth too, as long as you can still tell what expression the face is making.

  4. Assist students in cutting small holes on each side of the face and tying a piece of elastic string to them to complete the mask.

  5. One at a time, have students come up to the front of the class wearing their mask and instruct the rest of the class to figure out what emotion the mask represents. Prompt students to share how they can tell.


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