Active Learning: Creating, Imagining, and Innovating


Build creative minds with this “Build a Vehicle” project from Habits of Mind Animations that will your 2nd graders creating, imagining, and innovating!

Materials Needed:

  • Toothpicks

  • Cardboard

  • Buttons

  • Glue

  • Pictures of various vehicles


  • Cut the cardboard into random sized pieces.

  • Find various pictures of vehicles to use as reference.

  • Gather the needed materials in an appropriate area.

Steps to Success:

  1. Show students pictures of a variety of vehicles.

  2. Tell students that they will be creating a model of any type of vehicle they want. Remind students to think about how the vehicle will work.  What makes it special?

  3. Pass out the materials.

  4. Instruct students to glue the toothpicks and cardboard together how they want to create their vehicles. They can use the buttons as wheels.

  5. Hold a “car show” where students can walk around the classroom and look at all the vehicles.

  6. Have students share why theirs is unique, creative, unusual, etc. Have students reflect on what they did to come up with new and different ideas.

Click here for your free activity!


Teaching Curiosity Through Responding with Wonderment and Awe


Creating, Imagining, Innovating for a Successful Career Day